Syllabus and Schedule
ENGR 029 SP23 Syllabus
ENGR 029 SP23 Schedule
Reference Material
Common NUCLEO board problems and how to resolve them
Mbed OS documentation
STM NUCLEO-F401-RE (our dev board)
Lecture Notes
Lecture 1: Introduction to Embedded Systems
Lecture 2: E15 Review
Lecture 3: Learning C++
Lecture 4: GPIO and Bitwise
Lecture 5: Interrupts, Timers, LPM, PWM
Lecture 6: Intro to ADCs
Lecture 7: ECG Front End Design
Lecture 8: Hardware Debugging
Lecture 9: Peak Detection
Lecture 10: Intro. to State Machines
Lecture 11: State Machines II and Intro to Lab 3
Lecture 12: synch SMs