Pre-class Assignment
Complete participation questions for 5.1 and 5.2. You can skip 5.1.1 because we haven’t covered syncSMs yet.
- Lab 1 is due next Tuesday Feb 7 at 11:15am. Commit code on Github and upload report to Moodle.
- I have a conflict with lab hours Weds. Feb 1, so I will have lab hours 2pm-4pm Fri. Feb 3 in Singer 221. You can also schedule office hours with me or post on Ed.
- Office hours: by appointment (email me if none of those times work)
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
In this lecture you will:
- listen to a lecture about blocking vs. non-blocking program flow
- program along for several examples implementing examples of non-blocking program flow
By the end of this lecture you should be able to:
- explain how interrupts, timers, PWM and LPMs are all related
- use interrupts to execute a function periodically
- use PWM to control the brightness of an LED
- use a timer (e.g. a debounce timer)
Lecture Content
- How are Interrupts, Timers, PWM, and LPMs all related?
- Blocking vs. non-blocking
- Saving power
Code Examples
PWM Example