Welcome to ENGR 015! We'll get started soon 🙂
- Lecture 2 quiz is due Thursday at 11:40am (link on moodle)
- Homework 1 is due Tuesday at 11:40am (link on moodle)
- Office hours and wizard sessions start next week:
- Delano: Mondays at 3pm-5pm (same zoom link as lecture)
- Cheever: check his schedule
- Wizard sessions: TBA
Learning Objectives/Outcomes
In this lecture, you will:
- Listen to a brief lecture introducing the course and digital and embedded systems
- Download and install the Arduino editor
- Configure the Arduino editor for the Circuit Playground and upload a demo sketch
- Listen to a brief lecture about using neopixels
- Program your own sketch blinking a neopixel
At the end of this class, you should be able to:
- Define the terms "digital systems" and "embedded systems"
- List some of the differences between analog and digital signals
- Write a sketch from scratch that turns an arbitrary set of neopixel an arbitrary color, and blinks on and off at a setting of your choice
Introduction to Course and Course Staff
Prof. Maggie Delano
Ann Ruether
Prof. Erik Cheever
Hannah Bartoshesky
Dawson Epstein
Rekha Crawford