Welcome to ENGR 053! I'm excited to meet with you all starting next week. Please take a few minutes to review this onboarding document. Tasks that should be completed before the beginning of class have been included below for your reference. (If you would like to duplicate this page for yourself, you can create a free student account on Notion to do so).
You can think of ENGR 053 as "half seminar, half design studio." We will make heavy use of in class time for discussions, design exercises, and workshops. As such, regular lecture attendance is expected (though I understand this may be difficult - please fill out the onboarding survey and consult the syllabus for more details about my policies and how I can help you).
Assignments will include both longer term design projects, along with assigned reading and reflections and short design exercises.
You will need to purchase the one required text (The Design of Everyday Things). Details in the syllabus. It is also strongly preferred that you attend lecture on a laptop.
We will be starting off day 1 with a workshop called "The Design of Everyday Inequities." You can read a bit more about a pilot version of this workshop here. In order to participate in the workshop, please bring a household object with you that you would like to analyze (for example, I'll bring a pair of scissors). The object should be something you’re interested in learning more about, and open to critiquing.
There are also some readings I'd like you to complete before the workshop:
If you don't have a copy of the text yet, let me know by e-mail and I can scan it for you.
I would like to pronounce your name correctly. To help me learn how to pronounce your name, please follow these steps to audio record your name pronunciation to your Moodle profile: