Pre-Lecture Prep
Please complete the reading in the zyBook before class.
- Homework 1 due today (please submit ASAP if you haven't already so I can post solutions)
- Changing up labs a bit; formerly lab 1 will be in class exercise, lab 2 is the new lab 1
- We will go over details in class today
- Starting next Tuesday, we will be learning Verilog in class
- You will need to be able to run the software we will be using (Quartus) on your own computer. If you are a Mac user, I have created a tutorial about using a Virtual Machine or Boot Camp here. Work on this well before class so you can participate! I'm telling you now so I can help debug if there are issues.
- Office hours: by appointment (email me if none of those times work)
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
In this lecture, you will...
- listen to a short lecture on using procedures, strings and
- start building a calculator in MIPS and simulate it using MARS
- I'll go over a solution to the calculator on Thursday, but try to complete it on your own before then
By the end of this lecture, you should be able to...
- write a procedure in MIPS
- use
s to interact with MARS using strings
In Class Work
Prepare for next class
The reading for the next class is a continuation of today's readings. Review especially the section on sorting. Complete the participation activities as you go. If you aren't done after an hour, feel free to stop where you are (as long as I've seen you've made an effort, you'll get credit for participation). Sections marked "optional" will be covered during lecture or are there for your reference.
⚠️ If you need to install Windows for next Tuesday, start thinking about when to do that now!