
Exam Logistics

The exam will take place during lecture time (11:45am - 1pm Eastern) on Tuesday March 23rd and will be completed and submitted through Moodle. You should not join the class zoom lecture, but instead complete the exam on Moodle.

It will be an open book exam; feel free to use your notes from class, use the course notion page, test code in MARS or Quartus, and use the questions posted to Ed. However, you will not be able to post on Ed for help regarding the exam, and you will not be allowed to actively ask for help from other students, friends, etc. No help from other brains.

Exam Submission

You will submit the answers to the exam using the submission on Moodle where the exam problems are. There will be a separate upload section for you to submit your work (each problem will indicate whether or not work must be shown). We are using the separate upload such that if you have any issues scanning your work, typing it up, etc., you can have extra time to do so, while enforcing the time limit for the exam answers.

If you have questions while taking the exam, join the class zoom lecture and wait your turn. I will then answer your questions.

Academic Integrity

The Engineering department and the college take academic integrity very seriously. Any student caught cheating on an exam will immediately fail the course and be subject to disciplinary action. I understand that midterm periods can be especially stressful and the idea of potentially failing an exam can be daunting. I will make every effort to be available for review before the exam, and if you do not perform well on the midterm but show significant improvement on the final and/or final project, I will factor that into your final grade.

What is being evaluated on this exam

This exam will test your knowledge on the topics included in lectures 1-9, homework 1 and labs 1 and 2. Here's a list of the learning outcomes from those lectures for your convenience:

Suggestions to prepare for the exam